MBVFD Future Projects that we are working on.

2024 Projects

In 2024 MBVFD has several projects that we have on our agenda. We will try to get as many as we can to enhance our capabilities. If you would be willing to donate to a particular project, let us know. You don’t have to donate full amount for a project any help is much appreciated!

  1. Brand new Fire Station. Commissioner Hall has been working on a grant from GLO since 2019. This project has met many hurdles along the way, but Commissioner Hall has stayed with it and it is coming together and looks like construction should start on our new station in late 2024.

  2. We are looking to build a 2nd small brush truck to add to our fleet. Currently we have 1 large brush truck and one small brush truck. The large brush truck is extremely important to have for large wildland fires that are in solid ground. Due to the amount of the rain we get during certain parts of the year we are limited on access to a lot of the properties in the county due to the weight of the truck. The current small brush truck we have is a great assest, but has a manual transmission which limits the people that can drive it. We are looking to find a used short wheelbase, single cab, diesel, 4x4 with a automatic transmission to expand our capabilities. Once the cab and chassis is found we will build a skid unit in house to make it a brush truck. This project estimated cost to be $20,000 plus the cost of the Cab and Chassis.

  3. Buy a skid mounted firefighting tank for Brush 44. This truck currently has a farm and ranch tank on it with no water baffles. The new tank will have baffles making it safer to drive down the roadway. The new skid will include a foam cell to carry firefighting foam to assist on brush fires. This project will cost approximately $15,000.

  4. Buy a complete set of E-Draulic Jaws of life. We have a e-draulic combi tool that we currently use as well as a old set of hydraulic jaws of life. The hydraulic set is an older set and is not powerful enough to cut the newer cars door pins and other harder metal surfaces that are in the latest vehicles. A new complete set of E-draulic tools will allow us a larger spreading space and a larger cutting area than the current combi-tool can provide. This project will cost approximately $38,000.